
The Forestwife by Theresa Tomlinson
The Forestwife by Theresa Tomlinson

The Forestwife by Theresa Tomlinson

Now a grandmother, she lives in Whitby with her husband. She especially likes working on historical fiction.

The Forestwife by Theresa Tomlinson

Tomlinson spent much of her married life in Sheffield, and it was there, as she began to tell stories to her three children, that she began to enjoy writing. She attended Hull College of Art and later Hull College of Education.

The Forestwife by Theresa Tomlinson

The daughter of Alan and Joan Johnston, she lived as a child in Cleveland and North Yorkshire, where her father was an Anglican vicar. She advocates giving children "the opportunity to consider many different role models and ways of life, so that they can make up their own minds about what is right for them." Theresa Tomlinson (born 1946 in Crawley, Sussex) is an English writer for children, mainly of historical fiction.

The Forestwife by Theresa Tomlinson